Monday, November 05, 2007

summer is officially over

we cant believe it but its true. We made it through another summer. Bill Canoed the grand canyon (again)- barely making it through Lava Falls..
This is how the big boss relaxes - by gasping for air and pushing his luck!...
Thank you to J-Dub and Madge for running a smooth and pro Yellowstone Operation. We are so blessed to have you!
Our guides this year were one of the best crews we have ever had. Their dedication and hard work make MWW what it is! Our office staff Ran the Show and seemed to have a good time most days. We are grateful for their humor and intelligence. Shuttle drivers were super hard working and safe,
Photography was smoother than ever!
And we couldn't have done it without the custies!

Friday, February 09, 2007

What we do in the Winter

People always ask what we do in the winter, so here's a little update.
Bill just got back from an intensive Wilderness EMT course at NOLS in Lander. He took his National Test the other day and passed. He celebrated by putting extra goat milk in his Nettle tea.

Those of you who know us well will be pleased to learn that we hired a personal organizer to come and help us with our office. We removed 4 garbage bags of old files and clutter. We can now pay bills/ take reservations / write at the desk!

Stevie has been staying with us on and off - and he is planning to go on the Grand Canyon for a month - leaving next week. He is taking a yellow MWW boat- an new, unnamed one. It will probably return with some stories! Here is a pic of Steve pumping up some boats in the garage. They get soggy when it gets cold and he was helping to straighten the stack...

OK, lets see, what do we do in the winter? It always seems to be something - working on Montana Whitewater and related projects... We are already making resies, talking to potential guides and returning guides, planning how to improve and still have fun and hoping for more snow!! MWW (m dub) is a lot like a theatrical performance. We spend all this time preparing and practicing so that when the custies arrive, it's showtime!